Results for 'S. A. Malenko'

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  1. Communicative patterns in apperception. Micro-expressions in the eco-linguistic model of communication: beyond linguistic egos and towards an agenda-free, inclusive relating.Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Michał Wyciński & Natalia Malenko - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska, Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  2. Communicative patterns in apperception. Micro-expressions in the eco-linguistic model of communication: beyond linguistic egos and towards an agenda-free, inclusive relating.Marta Bogusławska-Tafelska, Michał Wyciński & Natalia Malenko - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska, Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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    Back to princeton: rereading rorty. [REVIEW]И.Д Джохадзе - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):226-231.
    The fifth volume of Richard Rorty's "Philosophical papers" published by Cambridge University Press, consists of the works which American philosopher wrote at the very dawn of his career in 1960s and early 1970s. In these essays Rorty addresses issues of transcendental argumentation, the internalism/externalism controversy, mind-body dualism and psychophysical monism, semantic truth, reference and justification. Supplemented by Daniel Dennett's Foreword, the book gives an excellent idea of Rorty's «analytical» writings and his evolution from eliminative materialism to pragmatism.
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    Онтологія ібн арабі та садр ад-діна аль-кунаві в інтерпретації кримського мислителя ахмада бін абдаллаха аль-кримі.Михайло Якубович - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):36-46.
    The study is dedicated to the work of Crimean scholar Ahmad bin ‘Abdallah al-Qrimi, who was one of the most advanced interpreters of the Ibn Arabi’s and Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi’s Sufi philosophy. Ahmad al-Qrimi employed Ibn Sina’s views on division of essence and existence, as well as some concepts of Maturidi kalam. His manuscript work “Advise for the Perplexed and Key for the Exigent” shows main dimensions of Ahmad al-Qrimi’s thought as following: 1) The notion of Being in the works (...)
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    Українська філософія на зламі епох.Ярослава Стратій - 2018 - Sententiae 37 (1):183-218.
    Interview with Yaroslava Stratii, dedicated to the history of studies of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s manuscript inheritance in Kiyv and Lviv from 1968. The interview was prepared by the activists of the Student Society of Oral History of Philosophy, organized at the Department of the History of Philosophy.
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    Categorization Activities in Norwegian Preschools: Digital Tools in Identifying, Articulating, and Assessing.Pål Aarsand - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:452210.
    The article explores digital literacy practices in children’s everyday lives at Norwegian preschools and some of the ways in which young children appropriate basic digital literacy skills through guided participation in situated activities. Building on an ethnomethodological perspective, the analyses are based on 70 hours of video recordings documenting the activities in which 45 children, aged 5-6, and eight preschool teachers participated. Through the detailed analysis of two categorization activities – identifying geometrical shapes and identifying feelings/thoughts –the use of digital (...)
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    Argument and Design: The Unity of the Mahabharata.Vishwa Adluri & Joydeep Bagchee (eds.) - 2016 - Brill.
    Argument and Designfeatures fifteen essays by leading scholars of the Sanskrit epics, the Mahābhārata and the Rāmāyaṇa, discussing the Mahābhārata's upākhyānas, subtales that branch off from the central storyline and provide vantage points for reflecting on it.
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    (1 other version)Avicenna: his life and works.Soheil Muhsin Afnan - 1956 - London: G. Allen & Unwin.
    Avicenna (980-1037) is perhaps the most provocative figure in the history of thought in the East. He was the product of the impact of Greek thought on Islamic teachings; his environment was that of the Persian Renaissance in the tenth century. This book attempts to present Avicenna's life and works to the general reader.
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    Bibliotheca Kierkegaardiana.Ulla Albeck & Niels Thulstrup - 1982
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    Between Being and Emptiness.Thomas M. Alexander - 2003 - In William J. Gavin, In Dewey's Wake: Unfinished Work of Pragmatic Reconstruction. State University of New York Press. pp. 129-158.
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    Kewalian Dalam Tasawuf Nusantara.Yunasril Ali - 2013 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 3 (2):201.
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  12. Eliminativismo, materialismo y teoría de la identidad. La filosofía de la mente de Richard Rorty.Juan José Colomina Almiñana - 2010 - In Colomina Almiñana, Juan José & Vicente Raga Rosaleny, La filosofía de Richard Rorty: entre pragmatismo y relativismo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Beat Brenk, Die Christianisierung der spätrömischen Welt. Stadt, Land, Haus, Kirche und Kloster in frühchristlicher Zeit.Michael Altripp - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):194-196.
    Der Titel dieses großformatigen Buches klingt zunächst sehr allgemein. Dieser Tatsache war sich der Verfasser offenbar bewußt, weshalb er im Vorwort eine präzise Definition nachreicht: „Die Thematik dieses Buches könnte etwa umschrieben werden mit ‚Christianisierung und Umnutzung von Städten, Bauparzellen, Gebäudekomplexen, Landschaften, Gebirgen und Wüsten‘. Lecker ist dieses Ungetüm nicht, aber es trifft die Sache.“ (S. 1).
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    Fragmanlar.İlyas Altuner - 2013 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):129-132.
    Bu yazıda Anaksagoras’ın Fragmanlar’ı içeriliyor. Anaksagoras, yönetici bir güç olarak nous kozmolojik nous kavramını felsefeye sokmakla meşhurdur. Anaksagoras, yaratıcı kaostan mevcut düzenlere geçiş sürecindeki ortamların açıklamasını vermeye çabalamıştır. Soğuk hava ile sıcak eter arasındaki bölümleme, birarada olmanın büyüsünü bozmuştur. Soğuğun artmasıyla birlikte, biçimlendirici suyu, yeri ve kayaları meydana getirmiştir. Havada yüzmeye devam eden yaşam tohumları yağmurlarla nakledilmişler ve bitkileri oluşturmuşlardır. İnsanda içinde olmak üzere canlılar, sıcak ve nemli topraktan ortaya çıkmışlardır. Varlıkların en saygın olanı, öyleyse nous yani zihindir.
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  15. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
  16. Speculazioni linguistiche di Richard Wagner.Riccardo Ambrosini - 1986 - In Riccardo Ambrosini & Piero Bottari, Linguistica e musica da Richard Wagner a Ferdinand de Saussure. Pisa: Giardini.
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  17. Las ciencias en la universidad.Mario Magallón Anaya - 2012 - In Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos & Mauricio Beuchot, Ensayos de filosofía mexicana. Culiacán (Sinaloa): Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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  18. Strands of System: The Philosophy of Charles Peirce.[author unknown] - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (4):913-924.
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    Reply to Justin Tiwald.Stephen C. Angle - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (2):237-239.
  20. Polycrates and His Brothers.Emily Katz Anhalt - 2005 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 98 (2).
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  21. Comments on Karamanolis.Julia Annas - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:121-125.
  22. Marcus Aurelius: ethics and its background.Julia Annas - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:103-119.
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  23. Anarchism and aesthetics.Allan Antliff - 2017 - In Nathan J. Jun, Brill's Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy. Leiden: Brill.
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  24. Problema nepolnoty teorii i ee gnoseologicheskoe znachenie.L. G. Antipenko - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by N. I. Sti︠a︡zhkin & L. I. Mchedlishvili.
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    Santayana and Greek Philosophy.John P. Anton - 1993 - Overheard in Seville 11 (11):15-29.
    The article explores Santayana's views on Greek philosophy and his evaluation of the Greek thinkers that best represent the classical mind: Heraclitus, Democritus, Plato, and Aristotle. His early views on Greek philosophy, traceable in the 1889 Dissertation on Lotze, were revised and formalized in "The Life of Reason", and finalized in his "Apologia pro mente sua" (1951). The principles that figure dominantly in Santayana's philosophy, materialism, scepticism, and the theory of essences, also pervade his interpretation and critical treatment of Greek (...)
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  26. Faith and Reason in Harmony.Thomas Aquinas - 2000 - In Brian Davies, Philosophy of religion: a guide and anthology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  27. Las revistas académicas de Historia en Hispanoamérica: un punto de vista.Saúl Armendáriz Sánchez & Ma Magdalena Ordóñez Alonso - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 3.
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  28. Archaeology and history.C. J. Arnold - 1986 - In John L. Bintliff & Chris F. Gaffney, Archaeology at the interface: studies in archaeology's relationships with history, geography, biology, and physical science. Oxford, England: B.A.R..
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  29. Calculus as Geometry.Frank Arntzenius & Cian Dorr - 2012 - In Space, time, & stuff. New York: Oxford Univ. Press.
    We attempt to extend the nominalistic project initiated in Hartry Field's Science Without Numbers to modern physical theories based in differential geometry.
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  30. History Lessons from the End of Time: Gower and the English Rising of 1381.Lynn Arner - 2002 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 31 (3):237-255.
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  31. ¿ Qué es un cuerpo?Martín Astacio - 2001 - A Parte Rei 14.
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  32. Truthfulness.Leo Baeck - 2009 - In Hans Küng, How to do good & avoid evil: a global ethic from the sources of Judaism. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths.
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  33. The misfortunes of metaphysics in France at the beginning of the nineteenth century.Bernard Baertschi - 2025 - In Delphine Antoine-Mahut & Samuel Lézé, Metaphysics and the sciences in nineteenth-century France: a critical theory of global society and politics. Boston: Brill.
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    Nietzsche the Kantian?Tom Bailey - 2013 - In Ken Gemes & John Richardson, The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines Nietzsche’s engagements with Kantian idealism and Kantian ethics. From the mid-1860s to the mid-1870s, Nietzsche’s engagement with Kantian idealism combined an interest in its potential therapeutic and cultural benefits with an exploration of its theoretical difficulties. In later works, Nietzsche rejects Kantian idealism not only for the conceptual incoherence, epistemological insignificance, and suspicious psycho-physical and cultural functions of its notion of an inaccessible reality, but also for the unlicensed ontology and primitive psychology of its notions of judgement. (...)
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  35. The Correspondence of Gilbert Highet and Cyril Bailey.Robert J. Ball - 2004 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 98 (1).
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    The empire of habit: John Locke, discipline, and the origins of liberalism.John Baltes - 2016 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    The Plague State -- Conclusion: Locke's Labor -- 4 Locke the Landgrave: Inegalitarian Discipline -- Locke in Context: Shaftesbury's Pen or Ashcraft's Radical? -- Waldron's Locke -- The Democratic Intellect -- Teleology and Equality -- Conclusion: Locke's Inegalitarian Discipline -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index.
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    To What Extent Are Calls for Greater Minority Representation in COVID Vaccine Research Ethically Justified?Angela Ballantyne & Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):99-101.
    In this commentary, we take up Yearby’s call for racism-sensitive research and apply this to the discourse regarding race and diversity in COVID vaccine research. We consider whether efforts...
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  38. Ecce Homo: Philosophical Autobiography in the Flesh.Rebecca Bamford - 2020 - In Duncan Large & Nicholas Martin, Nietzsche’s “Ecce Homo”. De Gruyter.
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  39. New Essays on Plato and Aristotle.Renford Bambrough (ed.) - 1965 - New York: Routledge.
    What can the study of the history of ancient philosophy bring to the study of contemporary philosophical problems and questions? In _New Essays on Plato and Aristotle_ eight distinguished philosophers address topics in Greek philosophy that are connected with current philosophical issues. All the essays are original and include Gilbert Ryle on Dialectic in the Academy and R. M. Hare on Plato’s indictment of mathematicians.
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    Book Forum.Marina Paola Banchetti-Robino - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A.
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    Dialoški imperativ v digitalni dobi.Noit Banai - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    Članek zagovarja nujnost postavitve vizualnih oblik kot mest, s katerimi je mogoče nadalje razvijati okvir dialoškega in večsmernega spomina v pripovedovanju zgodovine Izraela/Palestine kot tudi drugih prostorov, kjer je bil boj za nacionalno domovino opredeljen v okviru omejenega števila pojmov identitete. Prvič, članek ponovno obravnava spise avtorjev, ki so postavili teoretično osnovo za izpodbijanje ortodoksnih, na nacijo osredotočenih stališč v Izraelu/Palestini, in so te spise vgradili v širši projekt dekolonizacije. Drugič, članek izpostavlja nujnost vključevanja teorij biopolitike in nekropolitike za razumevanje (...)
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  42. Aristotle and His Hippocratic Precursors on Health and Natural Teleology.Hynek Bartoš - 2010 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science:7-27.
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  43. Etica, trasplantes de organos y calidad de vida.Porfirio Barroso Asenjo - 2004 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 44 (1):69-102.
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  44. Land tenure issues and socio-political challenges in Mauritania.Mamadou Baro - 2019 - In Thomas Kerlin Park & James B. Greenberg, Terrestrial transformations: a political ecology approach to society and nature. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  45. Science and Democracy.Pierluigi Barrotta - 2018 - In Scientists, Democracy and Society: A Community of Inquirers. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Concluding Editorial Postscript.Christine Battersby - 2000 - Women’s Philosophy Review 26:99-103.
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    Meaningful Residual Function, Permanence and Brain Death.Ramesh K. Batra & Stephen R. Latham - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):269-271.
    We share Nair-Collins and Joffe's (2023) concern with the accuracy of the “whole brain-death” diagnosis, which fails to take into account current understandings of residual brain function (neurohor...
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    Wissenschaftstheorie und Paradigmabegriff.Kurt Bayertz - 1981 - Stuttgart: Metzler.
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  49. Book Review: Esther. [REVIEW]Timothy K. Beal - 2002 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 56 (1):98-98.
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  50. 'Excusing Conditions' and Moral Responsibility.E. L. Beardsley - 1958 - In Sidney Hook, Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science: A Philosophical Symposium. [New York]: Collier-Macmillan. pp. 133--137.
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